neck and back conditions
Neck and back conditions are pervasive within our society today. They can stem from injury, ageing, prolonged sitting or repetitive motions, to name a few. Whether your pain is new or chronic, getting to the bottom of it is of utmost importance. You don’t have to live with ongoing pain.
Barangaroo Physio can assist with your neck and back pain. Our experienced practitioners have treated a variety of back and neck conditions and can develop personalised treatment plans to help heal your condition and get you out of pain.

types of conditions:
- Facet Joint Syndrome
- Nerve Pain
- Arthritis
- Cervicogenic Headache
- Neck Pain & Stiffness
- Whiplash
- Sciatic Nerve Pain
- Lower Back Pain
- Degenerative Disc Disease
- Herniated / Bulging Disc
If you have been living with ongoing neck and back pain, book in to see one of our physiotherapists. We can help you today!
While working at the office has its challenges, Working from Home (WFH) does not come without challenges either. We have found that most of us do not have a proper desk setup, we do not get out of the house as much and our step count is pretty poor.
While this is stressful for our mental health, it also puts a lot of stress on your physical structures such as your spine. Here are our tips on how to reduce the stress on your back and reduce your risk of an injury!
Have you ever suffered from a chronic injury that’s held you back from consistently progressing your training? Perhaps you’ve even felt a pain in a location that you have never injured before.
Injuries come in all shapes and sizes, sometimes the pain is quite sharp and intense and other times it may be a very dull pain. Major problems can arise in many cases when the actual site of pain is not even remotely close to the initial point of impact or injury location.
Our thoracic spine, which is the midsection of our back, is responsible for most of our movement in our midsections. Having good thoracic mobility is key for good posture, overhead movements, and many other sports. Long hours of work and poor posture can lead to increased stiffness = poor movement = injury, discomfort, and possibly poorer sporting performance. Here are my top 4 mobility exercises to keep your thoracic mobility in check!
Our bodies are not designed to be stationary. The sedentary way in which we make our bodies sit at a desk for hours is a new phenomenon in our evolutionary story. We should be getting up from our desk and moving every 30 – 40 minutes.
People often ask physiotherapists “what is the best posture to be working in?” The best posture is your next posture, because you will have had to move to get to it. Regular movement is key to good posture.