The majority of people have experienced lower back pain at some point in their lives. Lower back pain is such a common issue which can stop you from doing things you love and affect your mood. The good news is that incorporating simple exercises into your routine can help. Exercising regularly can help ease your discomfort, tension, stiffness and strengthen the muscles around your back to prevent a recurrence!
Out of all the exercises out there, we have picked out the top 5 exercises for lower back pain.
- Cobra
To do this exercise:
- Lay on your stomach
- Place your elbows or wrist under your shoulders depending on how flexible you feel (never push into pain)
- Keep your core contracted as you gently push your chest off the ground
- Keep your lower back and shoulder relaxed looking straight ahead
- Do for 3 sets of 30 seconds
- Bird dog

To do this exercise:
- Get into a 4 point kneeling position
- Make sure your knees are under your hips and wrist under shoulders
- Keep your core contracted as you lift the opposite leg and arm
- Bring the opposite arm and leg in as you maintain your balance and back out again
- Make sure you are pushing down on the foot that is on the ground to stabilise
- Do 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions on each side
- Plank

To do this exercise:
- Lay on your stomach with your elbows directly under your shoulders
- Feet shoulder be hip width apart
- Keep your neck neutral by looking between your index fingers
- Keep your core contracted and lift hip away from the ground
- Do 3 sets of as long as you can hold and work up to 1 minute
- Side plank

To do this exercise:
- Lay on your side, making sure your elbow is directly under your shoulder
- You can stack your feet on top of each other or place one in front
- Keep your core engaged and you lift your hips off the ground
- Tip: instead of trying to push yourself off the ground, imagine a string attached to your hip pulling it upwards
- Do 3 sets of as long as you can hold and work up to 1 minute
- Back extensions
To do this exercise:
- Lay on your stomach
- Gently squeeze your glutes and contract your core
- Press your feet downwards and lift your chest off the ground
- You should feel a contraction in your lower back and glutes
- Do for 3 sets of 30 second hold or 3 sets of 15 repetitions
Do you have persisting back pain? Tried everything under the sun but still cannot figure out what is going on with your back, give us a call at 8599 9811 or book in here and let us help you get back to feeling your best!
By Physiotherapist, Vanessa Boon